Thursday, 19 September 2013

Over the Long Haul

Over the long haul

it will less likely be the boulder
falling on your shoulder

than the pebble
in your shoe

that does you in.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Pickaninny Poo Bah

If one was to trip this electric station here in town, the poor saps cryogenically frozen would start to thaw.

"This isn't a bad thing to do, " thought Mickey, yanking the cryo cords, escaping, and taking his Walt back to the cave outside Disney World.

"I don't know if he'd make such a good President now, though, anymore..."

It's funny.  He wears this thing.  A little thing, like a contact lens.  When's he's 'doing his business' and 'conducting his affairs' (Don't shit where you screw!?) on-line, or on the john, he looks like he's entranced in REM sleep.  Maybe more of these things get around after the War (yeehaw(!)),  they'll  need  an even newer and bigger kind of power station, ironically; like a great lighthouse, like a sentinel to all the World, (and what's left of the world inside behind the lenses).  We'll be REM 'Lookers', so to speak. And with all the advances in cosmetic surgery & programmed morality, we'll probably ALL be 'Good Lookers', too.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Speculative Frag

The strange sky was like a moon might be coming us visiting living and dead.

Below the sun seemed lost.  We turned our eyes and dropped down into the gulf of earth came a baby on the tip. The earth. The earth was not used to new.  Irked the sight of the shadowy men there.  The sight of the inflamed them.  The men were of lost souls, any messiahs mess up the party.  Would keep the unwanted out.  Kill they wanted to.  Easy.

One over to the prong, glanced baby strongly, grabbed a leg and took it.  He carried it in this  over nearer to house turned off toward a pine tree.  Some of the others and he wished there were more.  He gathered up the baby a little, then swung it hard as he could into the pine tree bark.  Strangely that hard of a swing should have made it die.  Did it again time the crying blood on its face.  But wasn=t crying out of pain, man realized, tightening.  Was of some deeper place this time a bit, taking the leg up, swing harder.  Damned if he - yeah, was smirked at, laughed at little.  Enough.  Swung back, carried through, swung the child with all into the tree.  And a Awhack with the shock.  He - he looked at it.  Was crushed, everywhere, but this was Earth afterall, and nobody outside.  And he was a good man for doing his duty, slaps on his back coming through, and the thing from a living mess even though should dead, and couldn’t=t figure it why.  Wasn=t a thing in the flesh this was something else.  Real.  Thoughts came in, too fast to separate.  And then - what if everyone could see it.   Ooohh, wouldn’t that be for the good of the Damned?  Dangerous, then.  Dangerous for too much.  Have to see.  All have to see a little.  Didn’t know what we yet... 

(cont'd at a later date)